OEM PART NUMBER:16680-MA70A | 16681-MA70A | 16682-MA70A | 16683-MA70A
WARRANTY:Statutory Warranty
Genuine Nissan Fuel Lines
BDG highly recommend changing high pressure fuel lines on any vehicle when replacing the injectors. High pressure fuel lines start to internally deteriorate after 120-150K km’s. When the steel inside the fuel lines starts to break up, the only place it can go is straight into the injectors. These particles will not be large, only visible under magnification (e.g. microscopic camera) however they are large enough to cause damage to your brand-new injectors. You can think of the fuel running through the steel lines as water through rocks which over time erodes the rocks, this process is sped up due to the high pressures of the common rail fuel system.
When replacing injectors NEVER bend the fuel lines out of the way to remove the rocker/tappet cover or any other component. Bending of the fuel lines creates weakness and you will often have a fuel line crack and leak not too long after being manipulated back and forth to remove/replace components.