1/244 Nolan St, Unanderra NSW 2526
We supply you with a set of our Blueprinted product, charge you for the item, in addition to an additional core deposit fee for return of your cores.
When you return your old cores to us, they will be assessed, and if they are serviceable, your deposit is refunded.
Even if we do not have an EXCHANGE product available just yet for your vehicle, we will be able to give you a quote on refurbishing those same injectors to our Blueprinted standards.
We have partnered with multiple freight companies to deliver your goods as quickly as possible.
A serviceable core is one that is not broken, and can still be rebuilt into proper working condition.
Baileys Diesel Group
C/O Baileys Diesel Technology Centre
1/244 Nolan St, Unanderra NSW 2526
Yes, cores must be returned within 2 weeks or you may miss the eligibility to receive your core deposit refund. If any issues arise which may delay the return of your cores please notify BDG sales staff as soon as possible.
We will endeavour to refund 100% of your deposit.
The most common issues are broken solenoids and damaged threads, neither of which are repairable.
Please ensure that you package your injectors properly, as we can only refund based on the condition of the injectors when we receive them – fees are applied to returns which are externally damaged.
The core you return to us must be the same model and part number as the one that was purchased.
Cores should be returned to Baileys within 2 weeks, otherwise your Warranty will not be valid.
Old cores must be returned in ‘off engine’ assembled condition.
If your stock item is not available, as we work on an exchange basis, we can still service your order. Send us your cores and this will be treated as ‘Cores First’ and we will service your core to provide you with your BP product. If this option is not suited for you, we can create a back order for you.
We sure do. We can create a back order for you to secure your place for when parts come into stock.
Return Policy
The original invoice must accompany with returned goods.
Goods will be accepted at the discretion of the company.
Freight charges will be the responsibility of the customer.
The goods must be returned to the location of the company shown on the invoice.
No claim shall be recognised if not received within seven days of the date of delivery.
Goods returned for credit shall be subject to handling charges as follows:
(i) returned 1 to 7 days from date of delivery may have a 10% restocking fee, this at the descrection of BDG
(ii) returned after 7 days of date of delivery but within 30 days: minus 10% restocking fee
(iii) returned after 30 days from date of delivery: no credit
Goods are not acceptable for return or credit if any part of the goods where procured by the company from a third party pursuant to an
order or instructions from the customer.
If goods are damaged or lost in transit.
Goods are oil seals, o-rings, merchandise cut to size, used goods, goods altered or damaged by the customer.
Goods for return form that needs to be completed and sent back with the Goods. Return Form.
With over 48 years expertise and knowledge the Baileys Diesel Group is an industry world leader in diesel combustion efficiency and technology.
To assist clients to reduce all fuel consumption by applying efficient diesel combustion whilst reducing carbon emissions, and therefore reducing environmental and social impacts.
Environmental: actively reduce greenhouse gases and emissions. Ethical: consistent application of strong moral and ethical principles. Commitment: measure, compare, improve and validate. Efficiency: innovate in all areas of development, technology and manufacturing. Operations: support sound project management and methodology principles.