1/244 Nolan St, Unanderra NSW 2526
Your pump given up?
Having trouble starting or getting fuel pressure related fault codes?
Common Rail pumps are exceptionally resilient units that usually last the life of the engine, however if you’ve suffered from contamination, petrol or are just plain unlucky – you’ll find that a Baileys Blueprinted Pump represents unbeatable value.
*Its worth noting that commonly, rail pressure issues can be solved by first checking fuel supply (no restriction or aeriated supply) or simply changing a Suction Control Valve. The pump itself is quite resilient and rarely fails.
With over 48 years expertise and knowledge the Baileys Diesel Group is an industry world leader in diesel combustion efficiency and technology.
To assist clients to reduce all fuel consumption by applying efficient diesel combustion whilst reducing carbon emissions, and therefore reducing environmental and social impacts.
Environmental: actively reduce greenhouse gases and emissions. Ethical: consistent application of strong moral and ethical principles. Commitment: measure, compare, improve and validate. Efficiency: innovate in all areas of development, technology and manufacturing. Operations: support sound project management and methodology principles.